I’m not really the kind of girl who chats with strangers.
In fact, I tend to avoid them. At the gym or on an airplane, I’m the chick who gives you a smile as she’s putting on her headphones and cranking up the music.
Because I’m sure you’re really nice, but I’m not looking to make any new friends. And I don’t really want to end up in a political debate with you, or talk about the Kardashians, or hear about why your chick lit book is totally enthralling and I have to read it.
I’ve always been kind of a snob when it comes to strangers. But I think I’m a changed woman.
On a recent trip up north, I met two strangers who I think the Universe may have placed in my path for a purpose.
Which made me think back to last December, when I was on a very emotional and nerve-wracking trip to the same destination. And if it weren’t for the kindness of a few strangers, I’m not sure what I would have done.
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